Minggu, 28 November 2010

Enuogh for IT news

yeah as you know..  this blog was made for my ICT assignment. But I think, this blog could evolve into more cool! So I will continue to post on this blog and there will be no more (or maybe just a little) IT news on this blog. this is my blog and I will make it more colorful!  stay with me yeaa! Hanzalah Naufal...

Jumat, 26 November 2010

Samsung Galaxy Tab - How to use Task Manager and Multi tasking

These are the steps to use the task manager and multitasking for Samsung Galaxy Tab that I got from YouTube. Well that explains it less interesting but quite nice if you want to know about how to use Samsung Galaxy Tab. enjoy...

The atmosphere on Saturn's Satellite Oxygen Rich

A recent study found that the second-largest moon of Saturn was owned by the atmosphere contains oxygen and carbon dioxide that a lot. The aircraft from NASA's Cassini has detected the atmosphere when it flew toward the moon Rhea in March last. This discovery also marks the first for an atmosphere rich in oxygen content on the Saturn satellite. So that was quoted by Space.com, Friday (26/11/2010). Atmosphere containing oxygen are known to exist in the natural satellites in our solar system. For example, Europa and Ganymede, two of Jupiter's moon, is also rich in oxygen content in the atmosphere. "We have seen this before in the planet Jupiter,...


When we heard about the word "overclocking", most ordinary people would mind fixed on the complexity of computer systems that are dismantling the complex, while others will imagine the figure of a maniac computer (complete with all its peculiar attribute) is to disassemble the computer. Of course many of these things are not true.  This article tries to give an explanation that is more "grounded" on the world of overclocking as well as invite us who still lay hidden computer to optimize the potential that we use everyday in a way to overclock it. Enjoy.  Introduction & definition overclocking    Overclocking is forcing...

Rabu, 24 November 2010

How to Triple Boot Your Hackintosh with Windows and Linux

We've walked through how to triple-boot your Mac with Windows and Linux, but if you're using a shiny new Hackintosh, the process is a bit more complicated. Here's how to get all three operating systems up an running on your new PC. While the Chameleon bootloader (the default boot screen for your Hackintosh) is a great friend to Hackintosh builders, Windows and Linux try to muck everything up by attempting to take over your computer with their own bootloaders, resetting the active partition, and throwing your partition tables out of sync. There are two ways to triple boot your Hackintosh. The first is very straightforward and allows you a lot...

Jumat, 19 November 2010

10 World's Most Expensive Mouse

1. Mouse with genuine Python skin layer and gold 2. Mouse with the coated model Golden Sun 3. Mouse with a layer of blue Sapphire Stone  4. Mouse from crocodile skin with a layer of gold and sapphire stone  5. Mouse VIP of gemstone 6. Black diamonds logitech mouse 7. White gold plated USB mouse    8. Mouse-like form of gold bars 9. Gigabyte wireless mouse 10. Logitech air 3d mouse include a diamond ring and a jewel micro flash stick Cool right?  but...


this is the first post enjoy this blog yeah! hanzalah Nau...

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